Meeting held with representatives of "Times Higher Education" and "British Council" organizations

31 Jan 2024
Meeting held with representatives of "Times Higher Education" and "British Council" organizations

Employees of Baku Engineering University (BEU) (Head of Department of International Relations and Project Management Narmin Alakbarova, Director of BMU-INHA DDP Humay Jafarli, Program Secretary of DDP Nurlan Astanov) have met with representatives of the rating organization and British Council of Great Britain.

The purpose of the meeting was to conduct relevant discussions regarding dual degree programs implemented within the framework of the "State Program for Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023".

Ishan Kader, director of consulting at THE organization, Nikola Nirton, regional manager for higher education and science issues of British Council, and Nilgün Felchner, regional vision and participation manager, participated in the meeting. The current situation and prospects of diploma programs were discussed. Furthermore, possibilities regarding the implementation of dual degree programs between UK universities and higher education institutions in Azerbaijan were considered.

In addition to BEU, Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, representatives of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University also participated in the meeting.

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