Master class on quality of business environment held for BEU students

16 Dec 2022
Master class on quality of business environment held for BEU students

Master classes for students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) by leading experts of "Norm" OJSC continue. In this direction, the next event was organized under the theme "Improving quality in the modern business environment".

At the event, Latafat Kangarli, chief engineer for quality control and quality assurance of OJSC, delivered a presentation and gave detailed information about the company's quality strategy.

Speaking about the laboratories of "Norm" OJSC, the chief engineer noted that the equipment manufactured by the world's most prestigious companies is used there. She added that based on the created opportunities and the application of the most modern technologies, as well as the quality improvement tools, the quality according to the needs and requirements of the customers is achieved.

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