Lyceum students visit BEU

08 May 2023
Lyceum students visit BEU

Excursions aimed at familiarizing schoolchildren with the educational environment created at Baku Engineering University (BEU) continue. VIII grade students of Evrika Lyceum were on the visit, which was realized within the framework of university-school cooperation.

The schoolchildren were given extensive information about the educational process at the university, educational opportunities and advantages, teaching in Azerbaijani and English languages, and activities of the higher educational institution as an electronic university since its establishment during the visit.

During the excursion, where all the information was presented to the students in English, career choice and the advantages of specialties taught at BEU in the labor market were explained to them in detail.

Schoolchildren, who got acquainted with the exhibition created in the teaching building of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of the University, talked with the students who prepared the models there.

Later, the schoolchildren got acquainted with the university's laboratories equipped with the latest equipment, including the Biology laboratory, which was of great importance in the organization of theoretical and experimental teaching. Here, students were shown the division of an onion cell under a microscope, and students were provided with the necessary information about human internal organs on an anatomical model.

In the laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department, the students were presented with detailed information about the engineering facilities, as well as about the successful participation of the "RED X" team of BEU in the "TEKNOFEST-2023" Aerospace and Technology Festival.

During the excursion, the questions addressed to BEU employees were explained in detail.

Public Relations Department

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