Khojaly Genocide commemorated with organization of BEU SYO

26 Feb 2024
Khojaly Genocide commemorated with organization of BEU SYO

An event dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide has been held under the organization of the Student Youth Organization (SYO) of Baku Engineering University (BEU).

At the event, which started with the commemoration of the victims and martyrs of the genocide and the playing of the National Anthem, the senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences of BEU, historian scientist Elnur Naciyev gave a wide-ranging speech about the Khojaly genocide.

The speaker gave detailed information about the reasons for the unprecedented massacre, as well as the strategic importance of Khojaly, which is one of the oldest homelands in Azerbaijan, and the barbaric destruction of the Khojaly monuments complex, which spans the 17th-13th centuries BC. In his speech, he also talked about the heroism of the National Heroes of Azerbaijan, Alif Hajiyev, Tofig Huseynov, Agil Guliyev, Alasgar Novruzov, who were martyred in Khojaly.

At the event, full information about the propaganda of the Khojaly genocide, the "Justice for Khojaly" international awareness campaign launched at the initiative of Leyla Aliyeva, Vice President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, was presented. During the speeches, they talked about the brilliant victory won under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev in the 44-day Patriotic War, and it was specially emphasized that today our flag is flying in Khojaly and also in other liberated territories.

Detailed answers were given to students' questions at the event.

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