June 15 - National Salvation Day celebrated at BEU

13 Jun 2024
June 15 - National Salvation Day celebrated at BEU

An event has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU) on the occasion of June 15 - National Salvation Day. 

At the event held jointly with the Khirdalan city 40 territorial organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), the dear memory of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs was commemorated, and after the National Anthem was played, a video called "From national liberation to renaissance" was shown. 

Speaking at the event, Rector of BEU Yagub Piriyev touched upon the events that brought about June 15 National Salvation Day, which is of great political, social and historical importance for the Azerbaijanis of the world. He noted that the crisis of political power in the country in 1993 and the threat of civil war seriously threatened the independence of Azerbaijan, expanded the geography of Armenia's aggression on our lands, and gave rough opportunities to those who wanted to attack the people's ideology of independence. The Rector emphasized that the only way to get Azerbaijan out of chaos, which was facing a difficult test due to the political inexperience of the then government, was to invite the world-famous politician Heydar Aliyev from Nakhchivan to Baku.

 Reminding that Heydar Aliyev's return to Baku and political leadership at the insistence of the people changed the processes flexibly, and also laid the foundation of a qualitatively new stage in the political, socio-economic life of the country, Yagub Piriyev emphasized that with the reforms carried out a national ideology that provides universal values ​​such as sovereignty, statehood, justice, national advancement, secular state, liberal economy was formed. The prominent statesman created the foundations of an independent legal state, realized the construction of a civil society based on human rights and freedoms. The Heydar Aliyev factor soon removed the obstacles in front of large economic projects. Contracts were signed with the world's leading oil companies, joint political will was revealed to create huge energy corridors. The rector added that Heydar Aliyev's oil strategy was a reliable guarantee of our state's independence and ensured the integration of our country into the world economic space.

Yagub Piriyev pointed out that President Ilham Aliyev has developed Azerbaijan on the foundations defined by Heydar Aliyev, and proudly expressed that one of the biggest goals of the National Leader, the liberation of Karabakh and the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country, has been realized. He added that the great victory of the Azerbaijani army and people under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, was a real celebration of Heydar Aliyev's visionary ideas about returning to the lost lands. In this sense, the Rector mentioned that National Salvation Day will remain in the memory of our people as the day of the beginning of Azerbaijan's victories.

Abdin Farzaliyev, the head of Absheron District Executive Power called the National Salvation Day a glorious page in the history of our statehood. Talking about the historical services of the Great Leader to our people and state, the head of the executive said that the factor of Heydar Aliyev played an important role in preserving and strengthening the independence of our country.

Speaking about the victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, Abdin Farzaliyev emphasized that the National Leader's dreams about Karabakh came true owing to the bold decisions of President Ilham Aliyev and the strong army he created. Noting that we are always indebted to the brave children of the country who fought for the freedom of the land, the head of the executive also drew attention to the state's concern for veterans and families of martyrs.

After the speech, Bayram Huseynzada, the chairman of the Khirdalan city 40 territorial organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), spoke about the rescue mission of the outstanding statesman Heydar Aliyev and his protection of Azerbaijan from threats. He emphasized that the elimination of anarchy in Azerbaijan, the neutralization of armed gangs, the one-way restoration of social and political stability in the country, and the continuous development of the republic are the unparalleled services of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, and it clearly shows that the experienced politician is a phenomenal personality.

BEU Student Trade Union Committee Chairman Laman Sharifova reminded that the National Leader Heydar Aliyev entrusted independent Azerbaijan to educated, patriotic young people, that modern generations have deservedly protected this trust and will be ready to protect it in the future.

At the end of the event, membership cards were presented to some of the young people who applied for NAP membership.

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