Invention, co-authored by BEU scientist, granted patent

12 Nov 2021
Invention, co-authored by BEU scientist, granted patent

The invention co-authored by Ph.D. in Physics Razim Bayramli, Head of the Physics Department of Baku Engineering University (BEU),  has been granted a patent. Patent No. 2021 0093 was granted by the Patent and Trademark Examination Center of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the invention entitled "Study methods of the structural transformation mechanisms in optically transparent crystals".

The new invention relates to the physics of crystals, especially solid state single crystal growth and the study of the mechanism of structural transformations in optically transparent crystals.

Information about the invention was published in the bulletin of "Industrial Property" No. 3 dated 31.03.2021. More information is available at .

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