Interview held with Vice-Rectors of BEU as part of ECAR project

01 Oct 2021
Interview held with Vice-Rectors of BEU as part of ECAR project

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Baku Engineering University (BEU) professor Hamzagha Orujov, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs. Bayram Huseynzada, Senior Specialist of International Relations and Project Management Department Narmin Alakbarova have attended the meeting.  VBakı Mühəndislik Universitetinin (BMU) Tədris işləri üzrə prorektoru, professor Həmzağa Orucov, Tərbiyə işləri üzrə prorektoru, dosent Bayram Hüseynzadə və universitetin Xarici əlaqələr və layihələrin idarə olunması şöbəsinin baş mütəxəssisi Nərmin Ələkbərova “Azərbaycanda Rektorlar Konfransı” (ECAR) yaradılması layihəsi çərçivəsində keçirilən görüşdə iştirak edib. An interview with vice-rectors was also held during the meeting.

The main goal of the project, in which BEU is a partner, is to achieve the establishment and development of close cooperation among universities and other partners. ECAR aims to support the internationalization of education, increase the role of higher education institutions in the digital and innovative economy, as well as to create a basis for the international representation of universities and improve their competitiveness.

Within the framework of the project, an extensive study was conducted among heads of universities, academic staff, students, graduates, representatives of the labor market, and as a result of this study, relations among higher education institutions, problems in education and other issues were identified.

The ECAR project, covering 2021-2024, is an EU-funded Erasmus + KA2 capacity building project. The coordinator of the project is Baku Business University.

Of note, on October 4, 2021, an interview with the rectors of universities participating in the project is planned. A report and article will be published when the study is completed.

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