Interview held with BEU Rector within ECAR project

05 Oct 2021
Interview held with BEU Rector within ECAR project

Rector of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Professor Havar Mammadov has attended the first meeting of rectors of higher education institutions organized within the project "Establishment of Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan" (ECAR). An interview with BEU rector was also held during the meeting.

At the event held at Baku Business University, BEU Rector Havar Mammadov spoke in detail about the educational reforms implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. Noting the additional opportunities created for universities by “State Program on Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023”, the rector expressed his views and suggestions on the development of the higher education system and inter-university relations.

BEU participates as a partner in the Erasmus + KA2 project ""Establishment of Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan" funded by the European Commission. The first action plan of the project includes a comprehensive study of the current state of relations, networking and cooperation between Azerbaijani universities, as well as other stakeholders in the field of higher education, including students, graduates, labor market representatives.

One of the main objectives of the study is to organize interviews with heads of higher education institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Education and other government agencies in order to study the views on the development of the higher education system and inter-university relations.

A total of 2,937 people, including 15 rectors, 349 board members, 518 academic staff, 72 labor market representatives, 1,429 students and 554 graduates, took part in the survey conducted at the initial stage of the study.

Public Relations Department

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