International conference dedicated to sustainable development in economy and administration being held at BEU

24 Dec 2021
International conference dedicated to sustainable development in economy and administration being held at BEU

The II International Scientific and Practical Conference entitled “Sustainable Development in Economy and Administration: Problems and Perpectives” co-organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Baku Engineering University (BEU) has started.

The researchers from majority of universities operating in Azerbaijan, also from several institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan are taking part at the conference which aims at connecting scientists, researchers and state and private sector employees who work in the fields of economy, as well as administration, sharing new and various studies and ideas conducted, finding common solutions to the faced problems.

BEU rector, Professor Havar Mammadov highlighted that the conference coincided with the 60th jubilee of President Ilham Aliyev and conveyed his best wishes and sincere congratulations to the Head of the State on behalf of the university staff and participants of the event. Stating that our country passed a rapid development path in 18-year power period of President Ilham Aliyev, and the bright victory won in 44-day Patriotic War was the peak of all the wonderful achievements attained during this period, rector reminded of the ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev “I believe that Ilham Aliyev will be able to complete the fateful issues, plans and works that I have not been able to complete with your help and support”. Havar Mammadov said that 18-year period unequivocally proved that our nation who trusted its future fate to President Ilham Aliyev who was the political successor of National Leader wasn’t mistaken. Rector who mentioned that in its history Azerbaijan had never been this strong and powerful highlighted that construction work was in progress in our native land Karabakh under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev who celebrated his 60th birthday as a President of country whose territorial integrity was ensured and of a winner nation.

Noting that transition period in the field of economy ended and social-economic development stepped on a new stage in terms of quality and these were observed with new achievements in Azerbaijan, Havar Mammadov spoke of successful socio-economic development strategy realized by the government, and added that state programs and regional projects were effectively carried out. He also mentioned that Azerbaijan turned into the fastest growing, stable and powerful state of South Caucasus, it was able to maintain its leadership in the world in the growth rate of GDP, the rate of poverty seriously plummetted, the income of state budget increased. Moreover, as a consequence of social infrastructure projects implemented successfully the appearance of the regions changed, systematic measures were taken for the improvement of entrepreneurship, new manufacturing enterprises’ starting their work, opening workplaces.

Touching upon the orders recently signed by President Ilham Aliyev in the direction of enhancing the social protection of the people, rector stated that the documents about increasing the scholarships of bachelor students, Ph.D students and master students  were another reflection of state care towards the youth who wanted to get education in our country. Speaking of the establishment of Educational Student Credit Fund, rector said that this would be a huge support for the students who couldn’t pay the tuition fees in our country.

Rector ended his speech wishing success to the conference and its participants.

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs at BEU, Assoc.Prof. Elchin Suleymanov noted that the conference was dedicated to a pressing issue. He added that the conference happened in a remarkable period coinciding with 5 years’ anniversary of the establishment of BEU and the jubilee of the President Ilham Aliyev. He underscored that during 5 years the university hosted 15 international conferences in different spheres, as well as in engineering and economy. Vice-Rector who mentioned that our lands which were under occupation for more than 30 years were liberated in 44-day Patriotic War stated that the economists would have great responsibility in this period.

The dean of the faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at BEU, Assoc.Prof. Mayis Azizov said that the topic of problems and perspectives in economy and administration was among the trending ones. Stressing that the event would go on in 8 sections, the dean mentioned that the studies about the enhancement of the liberated areas dominated among the materials accepted to the conference. He also added that the majority of the participants was young researchers at the conference.

In the plenary session some speeches were heard: “The Effect of Carbon Pricing on International Competitiveness: Evidence from Azerbaijan” by the head of the department of World Economy at BEU, Assoc.Prof. Shahriyar Mukhtarov, “Perspectives for Development of Agriculture in the Liberated Areas in the Post-conflict Period” by the Assoc.Prof Hazi Eynalov from the same department, “The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Travel Trends: Empirical Analysis in the Frame of Evidence from Azerbaijan” the Ph.D student at Istanbul University, Magsud Gubadly.

Of note, about 140 articles were sent to the conference from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Hungary and other countries and in accordance with the decision of the organizing committee of the conference nearly 100 of them were included in the program.


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