Informative event about programs of SABAH.Lab held at BEU

21 Oct 2022
Informative event about programs of SABAH.Lab held at BEU

An event has been jointly organized by the Student Scientific Society of Baku Engineering University (BEU) and SABAH.Lab startup acceleration center.

Speaking at the event organized to encourage student teams working on the minimum viable product (MVP) to develop their startups and businesses, SABAH.Lab employees Aynur Aliyeva and Rustam Madadzada informed the students about the institution's activities and various programs implemented. It was noted that SABAH.Lab, operating under the Institute of Education at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, supported the establishment and development of new companies in various fields owing to the programs it implements.

During the speeches, the Sabah Incubation Program, which was one of these programs and aimed to assist in the creation of MVPs, was also mentioned. It was emphasized that by providing support to startup ideas within the framework of the program, acceleration of the next stages of business activity was encouraged.

Later, the employees of "SABAH.Lab" answered the students' questions.

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