Information session on BEU-INHA Dual Degree Pfrogram held

30 Jul 2021
Information session on BEU-INHA Dual Degree Pfrogram held

The event has provided detailed information on the specialty of Electrical Engineering

The event has provided detailed information on the specialty of Electrical Engineering

Baku Engineering University (BEU) and INHA University of South Korea held an information session on the international dual degree program.

Humay Jafarli, Director General of BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program, gave an overview of the dual degree program implemented between INHA University of South Korea and BEU. She said that the main goal of the program was to train a new generation of specialists in the field of engineering in Azerbaijan, meeting the requirements of the XXI century, using the most advanced scientific achievements, innovative teaching and learning technologies. H.Jafarli informed the participants in detail about the rules of applying to the program, the conduct of exams, the required documents and the benefits of the program.

Hyunjin Yang, INHA Project Director of BEU-INHA DDP, said that INHA University was one of South Korea's leading universities in the field of engineering. Speaking about the specialties taught at INHA University, Hyunjin Yang noted the dual degree program and the opportunities it created. He added that students would receive two diplomas at the end of their 4-year education without leaving the country.

Rahman Rasulzadeh, the founder of the Azerbaijan Robotics Engineering Academy (AREA), who taught "Creative Design" to students majoring in Electrical Engineering, made a presentation on "Trends in Electrical Engineering" at the event. Giving general information about the specialty of electrical engineering, R.Rasulzadeh also touched upon the directions and perspective areas of electrical engineering.  

Nijat Umudlu, BEU student majoring in Electrical Engineering, spoke at the end of the program. Noting that significant opportunities had been created for students within the program, N. Umudlu stressed that the specialty of Electrical Engineering was both necessary and interesting.

It should be noted that the information session published on the official Facebook page of BEU can be watched by following the link

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