Information event about trainings held in Poland, Sweden and Lithuania as part of ECAR project at BEU

17 Apr 2023
Information event about trainings held in Poland, Sweden and Lithuania as part of ECAR project at BEU

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted an information event about the Erasmus+ project "Establishment of the Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan - ECAR" at the presentation of the Vice-Rectors.

The meeting was dedicated to the topics of the trainings and the discussion of the experience gained during the visits to the city of Warsaw of the Republic of Poland from January 30 to February 3, Stockholm from Sweden from February 27 to March 3, and Vilnius from the Republic of Lithuania from March 13 to 17 within the framework of the project.

Speaking about the visit to Poland, Mikayil Zeynalov, Vice-Rector for financial and economic affairs of BEU, first gave detailed information about Kozminski and Warsaw Life Sciences universities. Touching upon the different points specific to the Polish higher education system, the Vice-Rector brought to attention the experiences related to the the monitoring and evaluation processes of universities, accreditation criteria for strategic management, the interrelationship of strategic development and quality issues, as well as the material and technical base, financial opportunities, budget management, and etc.

Elchin Suleymanov, Vice-Rector for scientific affairs of BEU, spoke about his visit to Sweden and the importance of the trainings held under the title "The role of rectors' conference in the development of the higher education system" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Making a presentation about the scientific-research capabilities of the above-mentioned educational institution, the Vice-Rector highlighted such directions as research and innovation systems, quality issues in research, publishing infrastructure serving the scientific activity of researchers, as well as doctoral education in the Swedish experience, and the employment of doctoral students.

BEU Vice-Rector for academic affairs, professor Hamzagha Orujov delivered a presentation on the main topics of the trainings he attended together with Vice-Rector for educational affairs Bayram Huseynzada. Moreover, the Vice-Rector shared his thoughts about internal quality assurance of the university, accreditation system, result-based financing model, establishment of a high level of student mobility, addition of new specialties to admission programs determined on the basis of market demand and etc held in hybrid format at the Mykolas Romeris University .

Vice-Rector Bayram Huseynzada gave important information about the higher education system of Lithuania as a whole, its similarities and differences compared to our country, the main criteria for the formation of academic staff in educational institutions, the evaluation of the activities of the teaching staff, their professional development, including socio-cultural events and projects implemented in higher schools.

At the event, the questions of the participants of the meeting regarding the experience of the mentioned countries were answered in detail. Furthermore, a wide range of opinions were exchanged regarding the steps to be taken to apply the positive experiences gained.


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