Information day about DAAD scholarship programs at BEU

11 Oct 2023
Information day about DAAD scholarship programs at BEU

An information day about scholarship programs of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

At the event attended by senior students of the university, Narmin Alakbarova, head of the Department of International Relations and Project Management of BEU, emphasized general information about the program.

Later, Gebhard Reul, the head of DAAD Tbilisi Regional Office, made a presentation about the scholarship programs for those who want to study at the master's, doctoral and summer courses in the 2023/2024 academic year, as well as the rules for applying to these programs. He talked about the interview stages, financial support for the winners, public universities operating in Germany, master's and PhD studies in this country, scholarships for students, and also called the students studying at BEU to participate in these programs.

At the meeting, the program consultant of the Regional Office Sevar Garayeva talked about DAAD activities, scholarship programs, educational scholarships in Germany for various specialties, etc. The program advisor also informed the students about the duration of the exchange program, the basic conditions for participating in the interview and the necessary documents.

At the end, the students' questions were answered.

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