High school students of secondary school number 54 get acquainted with BEU

11 Nov 2022
High school students of secondary school number 54 get acquainted with BEU

High school students and teaching staff of secondary school No. 54 named after Abdulla Shaik have gotten acquainted with Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The students were provided with detailed information about the achievements and directions of activities of BEU, as well as the material and technical base of the university with modern infrastructure and laboratories. Faculties of the university, as well as the advantages of the majors taught here in choosing a career and in the labor market, were widely explained to the students.

Later, the students had the opportunity to get to know the Chemistry and chemical engineering, Biology, Physics, Computer and information technology laboratories of BEU, as well as the Technopark. Schoolchildren visually observed the experiments conducted in the laboratories.

Noting that familiarity with the university environment played a major role in the choice of majors and future career opportunities of high school students preparing for higher education institutions, the teachers of the secondary school added that it was important to continue university-school relations.

During the excursion, BEU teachers answered in detail the questions of schoolchildren.

Public Relations Department

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