GRE exam organized at BEU

12 Sep 2024
GRE exam organized at BEU

On September 12, Baku Engineering University (BMU) organized the next GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) exam.

The GRE exam is one of the largest assessment programs in the world and is required for obtaining master's, MBA, doctoral studies in many foreign higher education institutions. The GRE international exam, which is one of the indicators that are taken into account when awarding scholarships, is administered by the ETS - Educational Testing Service and is held in more than 160 countries.

The results of the exam are announced in 2 weeks and posted on the website of ETS. The GRE certificate is valid for 5 years.

It is important to emphasize that in addition to GRE, TOEFL iBT and SAT exams are also organized at BMU, which has a successful experience in organizing international exams that assess the language and skills required for studying abroad.

To get information about the exams planned for the upcoming term, you can apply to the email addresses or .  

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