Graduates of BEU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in prestigious foreign universities

23 Aug 2023
Graduates of BEU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in prestigious foreign universities

A group of students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) who graduated from various majors of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences will continue their education in well-known and prestigious universities of the world.

Thus, the graduates of the 2023 academic year of BEU, Telman Hajiyev, Jeyhun Bayramov, Huseyn Nasirov, Tavakkul Farajov, Suleyman Suleymanov, Amin Namakfrush, Ali Karimli, Fidan Hakimova, Usamin Hajiyev, Emin Aliyev, Kanan Ismayilli, Orkhan Hasanzade, Ismail Isganderli. and Shams Maharramli, were selected as participants of the "2022-2026 State Program for Young People to Study in Prestigious Higher Education Institutions of Foreign Countries".

T. Hajiyev will pursue his master's degree at the Ankara University of Political Sciences (majoring in Civil Engineering), J. Bayramov at the University of Bonn in Germany (majoring in Economics), H. Nasirov at the Ahmad Yasavi University in Kazakhstan (majoring in Business), T. Farajov (majoring in Finance and Accounting) and U. Hajiyev (major Management) at the Polish University of Economics and Humanities.

Furthermore, S. Suleymanov  have had the opportunity to study at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania (major Marketing and International Trade), A. Namakfrush at Birkbeck University in London (major in Business Analytics), A. Karimli at Vistula University in Poland (major in Finance and Accounting), F. Hakimova at Sapienza University in Italy (specialty Business management). Moreover, E. Aliyev (specialized in International business) and K. Ismayilli (specialized in International business) will continue their studies at the master's level  at the Business University of Poland, O. Hasanzade at the Vistula University in Poland (specialized in Finance and Accounting), I. Isganderli at the University of Kiel in Germany (specialized in Digital Economy), Sh. Maharramli at the University of Tübingen in Germany (majoring in Economics).

A group of students of BEU Engineering, Architecture and Construction, and Education faculties were selected as participants of the State Program at the master's level. They will continue their studies at prestigious higher education institutions such as Newcastle, Edinburgh, Leeds, as well as Helsinki University in Finland, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Czech Technical University, and New York University.

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