First demonstration of documentary “Life Written in Blood” held at BEU on day of commemoration of martyr Sadi Musayev

01 Apr 2022
First demonstration of documentary “Life Written in Blood” held at BEU on day of commemoration of martyr Sadi Musayev

The first demonstration of the documentary “Life Written in Blood” has taken place at Baku Engineering University (BEU) on the day of commemoration of Lieutenant-Colonel Sadi Musayev, who rose to the peak of martyrdom during the 44-day Patriotic War.

First, the dear memory of all our heroes who sacrificed their lives for the Motherland was commemorated in a minute of silence, and then the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.

In her opening speech, Sevinj Orujova, the chairperson of “Zafar” Public Union for Support of Martyrs' Families, the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Raguf Orujov, a martyr of the April War stressed the historical significance of this day. Noting the 6th anniversary of the April battles, the chairperson of the union said that April 1 was also a day of commemoration of Lieutenant-Colonel Sadi Musayev, who was wounded in the April battles and martyred heroically in the Patriotic War.

In her speech, S.Orujova noted that the main purpose of organizing such meetings in higher education institutions to immortalize the memory of the martyrs was to convey the path of the martyrs and the chronicle of their heroism to young people. 

Then the documentary “Life Written in Blood” was demonstrated. The film was made within the “Life Written in Blood” project implemented by “Khankendi” IDP Support Public Union with the financial support of the Foundation for Propagation of Moral Values under the State Committee on Religious Associations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Then BEU Rector, Professor Havar Mammadov, who took the floor, said that the documentary was of great importance in educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and thanked every organization that contributed to its preparation. 

Noting that the commemorative event was held on the eve of the anniversary of the April battles, the rector stressed that these battles were the beginning of our great victory. Highlighting the victory of the Azerbaijani Army in the April battles, Havar Mammadov said that the criminal Armenian leaders’ myth of the impenetrable Armenian trenches was invalidated. 

Mentioning that the Azerbaijani Army launched counter-offensive operations in response to the large-scale provocation of the Armenian armed forces along the front on September 27, 2020, the rector noted that the 44-day war put an end to the 30-year occupation of our lands and resulted in the restoration of our territorial integrity. Noting that the great victory achieved under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev was written in golden letters in our history, Havar Mammadov said that our lands had been liberated from the occupation at the cost of the blood and lives of our heroic martyrs. 

Havar Mammadov brought to notice that Sadi Musayev, a lieutenant- colonel of the Azerbaijani Army, showed great courage both in the April battles and the Patriotic War, and our heroic martyr was awarded the highest medals and rewards by the relevant orders of the President. 

Noting that regular meetings were being organized with veterans at BEU, the rector added that the government had taken consistent measures to treat veterans and improve their and the martyrs’ families’ social situation.

Deputy Jeyhun Mammadov said the documentary had been shot in a high patriotic spirit. Stating that the April events were one of our victories written in golden letters in the history of Azerbaijan, the deputy touched upon the history of the Karabakh war. He noted that our country entered the war in the early 1990s without an experienced army and there were economic problems as well. However, after the National Leader Heydar Aliyev came to power, great work was done in a short time, our economy revived, and military build-up increased. 

Touching upon the work done to educate the young generation in a patriotic spirit, the deputy spoke about the support and care given to the martyrs’ families. He stressed the importance of holding such events in educational institutions.

The head and executive director of the Foundation for the Propagation of Moral Values, Mehman Ismayilov gave information about the various events and projects implemented by the Foundation for the familiarisation of our martyrs. 

Sadi Musayev's comrades-in-arms - Colonel Nizami Movlanov, deputy head of the Higher Military School named after Heydar Aliyev, and Colonel, retired officer Nemat Mammadov, a member of the martyr's family Saftar Valiyev shared their memories of him and spoke about his path of battles.

The event continued with speeches delivered by National Hero Shirin Mirzayev's wife, the former deputy Flora Gasimova, Khatai District Executive Power representative, Captain Anar Mammadov, and the chairperson of “Khankendi” IDP Support Public Union Khatira Valiyeva.

At the end of the event, Sadi Musayev's family members were presented a memorial gift depicting our historic victory.




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