Events dedicated to discussion of BEU scientific activity in 2022 start

09 Feb 2023
Events dedicated to discussion of BEU scientific activity in 2022 start

The events dedicated to the results of the research activities of the faculties of the higher education institution last year, as well as the discussion of plans in this direction for the coming period have started under the organization of Baku Engineering University (BEU) Vice-Rectorate for Scientific Affairs. The academic staff of the Education Faculty of BEU participated in the first meeting.

Delivering a report, the Dean of the Faculty, Elshad Abdullayev noted that the scientific activity of faculty employees in 2022 was commendable. The Dean also emphasized that the dynamics of growth in the number of teachers receiving scientific degrees was observed in the faculty.

Drawing attention to relevant figures related to the scientific works published by the faculty, deputy dean Kanan Bashirov stressed that the number of articles and theses in scientific journals with an impact factor increased compared to 2021.

Elchin Suleymanov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, made a presentation entitled "BEU scientific-research activities for 2022". The Vice-Rector touched upon the issues such as the publication activity of the faculties, including textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, the number of articles published in journals with an impact factor, directions of publications included in scientific databases, etc. Taking into account the statistics related to scientific-research works in the departments of the university, the Vice-Rector also added that a total of 219 publications were published on behalf of BEU on the "Web of Science" platform and 812 references were registered to them. H-index of the university was 16 and citation per article was 5.01, which was the best indicator among Azerbaijani universities.

Later, at the event, the results of the annual scientific activity of the mentioned faculty, the tasks ahead for the further improvement of these results, as well as the application of the scientific results in the educational process and production were discussed. Moreover, the main procedures related to publications in scientific bases were explained and innovations were brought to attention.

At the end of the event, “Certificate of Appreciation” were presented to the employees having articles in scientific journals with an impact factor indexed in the "Web of Science" and "Scopus" databases, as well as promoting and encouraging innovative thinking among students, as well as active mentoring in startup activities.

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