Event on "Historical and Strategic Significance of Shusha Declaration" held at BEU

18 Jun 2021
Event on "Historical and Strategic Significance of Shusha Declaration" held at BEU

An event entitled “Historical and Strategic Significance of Shusha Declaration” has been organized at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The great historical and strategic significance of “Shusha Declaration on Allied Relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey” was highlighted at the event. It was noted that the Declaration raising all the strategic ties between two sister countries to the top level set the political and legal mechanisms of future allied relations.

In his speech Assos.Prof. Elshad Abdullayev, the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy touched upon the historical victory of Azerbaijan realized under the leadership of victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev in the 44-day Patriotic War and brought to the attention of the participants of the event to the rather vital processes happening in 6 months following the war for the future of our country. He also spoke of the construction work carried out in the liberated lands, building infrastructure, demining in those areas, determination of borders and the work implemented in the direction of conveying Armenian violence to the world community.

Highlighting the importance of historical Shusha Declaration E.Abdullayev said that until today Azerbaijan and Turkey supported each other in all the spheres, including the military field, and he added that this Declaration would further raise the future ties to a higher level. The Dean also accentuated the specific importance of Shusha Declaration coinciding with the National Salvation Day of Azerbaijanis and the 100th anniversary of Treaty of Kars.

Assoc.Prof. Bilal Dedeyev, the head of the Department of Social Sciences stated that Shusha Declaration was a remarkable historical document signed after the 44-day war and having a great significance for both Azerbaijan and Turkey. Remembering the statements “One Nation-Two States” by Heydar Aliyev, the National Leader of Azerbaijani people and “Azerbaian’s joy is our joy, its sorrow is ours too” by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey in his remarks, he underscored that with the signed Declaration Azerbaijan-Turkey relations stepped on a new stage.

Mentioning that the Declaration serves for a sustainable peace in the region, B.Dedeyev noted that Azerbaijan increased its prestige in the region and in the world with this historical document. The head of the Department added that dedication to the Treaty of Kars signed 100 years ago was reflected in the Declaration and with the new document signed between two independent Turkic states that historical Treaty came into force again.

Amil Abdullayev, the chair of BEU Student Trade Union Committee (STUC), Leman Sharifova, the chair of Student Youth Organization (SYO), Vusale Shahbazova, the chair of Student Scientific Society and Assoc.Prof. Humbat Aliyev, the head of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at BEU made speeches about the topic at the event.

It was particularly highlighted in the event that the following issues were included in the most essential articles of the Declaration: implementing common consultations in case any of the parties faces any threat or aggression against its independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability or security of its internationally recognized borders by the third state or states, joint activities in the direction of removing this threat or aggression in the context of international law. Extensive exchange of ideas was held about the importance of this term. Furthermore, as an another crucial term opening of Zengezur corridor and the issue of intensification of transportation-communication, altogether economic ties between the two countries with the construction of Nakhchivan-Kars railway as a continuation of the same corridor were brought to the attention of the participants of the event.

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