Event held dedicated to 8 November - Victory Day at Baku Engineering University (BEU)

03 Nov 2022
Event held dedicated to 8 November - Victory Day at Baku Engineering University (BEU)

Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the first territorial party organization of Baku Engineering University (BEU) of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) have jointly organized a festive event dedicated to November 8 - Victory Day.

The event was attended by university administration, student-teacher staff, state and government representatives, BEU students who participated in the Patriotic War, Samir Mammadov, Subhan Jabrayilov, Khayyam Goyushov, Igrar Azizli, Babak Malikov, Sanan Ibrahimkhalilov, members of the martyr's family, including martyr Osman Manafov’s wife, first-year student of BEU Aysel Manafova and her son Natig Manafov.

The dear memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic War was commemorated with a minute's silence after the National Anthem had been played.

Later, a video clip “Victory Road” featuring the glorious victory was demonstrated. 

Delivering an opening speech, BEU Rector, professor Havar Mammadov congratulated everyone on the occasion of Victory Day and wished God's mercy on our martyrs who died for the independence and territorial integrity of our country, and recovery to our veterans. Noting that Victory Day, established in honour of the victory of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, has been celebrated for two years with great pride, the Rector emphasized that by demonstrating the power of the Azerbaijani people and state to the whole world this great victory is the salvation page of our national pride.

Havar Mammadov stressed that as a result of the Patriotic War, our ancient lands were liberated from 30 years of occupation, Armenian chauvinism, which caused numerous national disasters for the Azerbaijani people in the last 200 years, was dealt a crushing blow, and the glorious Victory was a turning point in the fate of our nation. Reminding that after another military provocation by the Armenian armed forces, Azerbaijan launched a counter-offensive on 27 September 2020 to force the aggressor to peace, put an end to the occupation of our ancient lands, and the historic Victory was achieved in just 44 days, the Rector mentioned that war crimes of the enemy that were intended to disrupt our unity, break the spirit of the nation during the war, could not oppress the determination and will of our people, and the people of Azerbaijan demonstrated a real national solidarity and unity. 

The Rector highlighted the beginning of the period of construction for Azerbaijan, the guarantor for peace, security and development in the region, stating that the construction, restoration and reconstruction works are being accelerated in the direction of the revival of our territories liberated from occupation. Havar Mammadov emphasized that  the memory of our martyrs who brought us this victory will live in hearts of Azerbaijani people forever and the next generations will always remember them with honour and pride.

Stating that the victory of November 8  opened a new page in world military history, and it is a matter of pride that the military determination, courage, high military-technical, moral-psychological training, and professionalism of the Azerbaijani Armed Force are being studied by the world, the Rector gave his recommendations to the students, pointing out that the youth with a national spirit, patriots, who have absorbed the innovations of the new era are actively participating in the struggle for our cause of justice both at the front and in the information space.

MP Arzu Naghiyev shared his battle path and impressions as a veteran of the First Karabakh War with the participants, emphasizing that the glorious victory was not easily won, the November 8 Victory brought innovation to the world military art and was a great example in this direction, as well as the countries' view of the strength of the Azerbaijani Army has changed. Touching on the proud moments of being a citizen of a winning country, Arzu Naghiyev touched upon that the Victory Day was achieved as a result of the unity of our nation, which unites as a fist around the architect of victory, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, our brave army and the President.

Speaking about the construction, restoration and reconstruction works currently being carried out in our country, the MP drew attention to the strategic importance of opening two airports, Zangilan International Airport and Fuzuli International Airport, which are expected to become an important transport hub in Karabakh within a year. In his speech, Arzu Naghiyev also stressed the measures implemented by the state regarding the social protection of members of the martyr’s family and our veterans.

Congratulating on the historic victory, the deputy head of the Absheron District Executive Power Gulnar Rahimova said that the martyrs are always commemorated with respect, and the concerns of members of the martyr’s family and veterans are always taken into account by our state. Gülnar Rahimova pointed out that Absheron city has about 400 martyrs, emphasizing the various measures implemented in the direction of perpetuating their memory, and keeping it alive.

The official of the Absheron District Executive Power spoke about the comprehensive development of young people, including the opportunities created by the state in the field of education.

Speaking at the event, Canel Khalilov, deputy chairman of the Student Youth Organization of BEU, expressed his opinion on behalf of the youth about the Victory Day.

Afterwards, the festive event continued with a literary and artistic composition prepared by the department of Art of the university. Narmin Adigozalova, the daughter of Azar Adigozalov, a veteran of the First Karabakh War, performed "Khudayar Tasnifi" at the event.

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