Event dedicated to activity of Student Scientific Society held

17 Oct 2022
Event dedicated to activity of Student Scientific Society held

An event dedicated to strengthening the activities of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) has been held at Engineering Faculty of Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The head of the Department of Automation, Telecommunications and Energy, professor Ramiz Khumbatov delivered a speech at the event, held with the participation of the Engineering Faculty of the university and the administrative staff of the departments, teachers, and students. The head of the department talked about the role of scientific activity in the life of society and the development of the economy, the importance of ensuring the unity of teaching and scientific activity at the university, the advantages gained by students involved in scientific activity in mastering professional and specialized subjects.

During the speech, the organization of necessary measures aimed at revitalizing the activity of SSS in the faculty, the ways to improve this process, the support of administrative and teachinf staff of the departments to the students involved in scientific-research work. Furthermore, the features of the classic methodology of conducting scientific research in the field of engineering were revealed at the event, students were invited to participate in scientific research, report the results of research in scientific forums, and publish them in the form of articles.

At the end of the event, students' questions were answered.

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