Employees of State Migration Service meet with foreign students studying at BEU

01 Dec 2021
Employees of State Migration Service meet with foreign students studying at BEU

Head of the Department on Issuance of Temporary Stay and Temporary Residence Permits of the State Migration Service (SMS) Shahriyar Mustafayev, member of the Public Council under State Migration Service, and head of the working group on education of SMS Vidadi Fatullayev have met with foreign students studying at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

First a minute of silence was observed in the memory of the military servicemen who became martyrs in the crashed helicopter of the State Border Service on November 30.

Mushvig Mehbaliyev, a specialist at International Relations and Project Management Department of BEU, said that he was pleased to see SMS staff at the University. He noted that the meeting aimed to provide detailed information on migration legislation, answer questions of foreign students and teachers and solve problems they face.

In his speech, the department head of the service Sh. Mustafayev gave detailed information about the migration legislation. He spoke about the arrival of foreign students in the Republic of Azerbaijan, their temporary stay in the country and leaving the country, as well as the registration at the place of residence, and emphasized the importance of timely implementation of these procedures.

The event focused on the opportunities to obtain work permits for teachers coming to the country in connection with education, the issues of concern to foreign students and  a number of proposals were made.

The questions of foreign students were answered at the meeting held in the atmosphere of mutual discussion.

Public Relations Department

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