Employees of Oradea University of Romania visit BEU

20 Jun 2023
Employees of Oradea University of Romania visit BEU

Alina Badulescu, dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Oradea University of Romania, and her colleague Daniel Badulescu have visited Baku Engineering University (BEU) for a week as part of the Erasmus+KA1 exchange program.

During the visit, the guests had meetings with the employees of the Department of International Relations and Project Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of BEU.

During the meetings, discussions were held about exchange of academic staff and students, participation in scientific conferences, development of cooperation between Oradea University and BEU.

The representatives of Oradea University, who held a number of other meetings within the framework of the visit, also got to know the educational buildings and Technopark of BEU.

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