Dissertation defense of BEU associate professor on the doctor of mathematical sciences

02 Jul 2021
Dissertation defense of BEU associate professor on the doctor of mathematical sciences

PhD. in Physics and Mathematics, assoc.prof. Rakib Afandiyev, head of Mathematics Department at BEU, has defended his dissertation on the doctor of mathematical sciences "Direct and inverse problems for non-self-coupled Hill operator" in the specialty 1211.01-Differential equations. 

Opinions were heard at the meeting of the dissertation council ED 1.04 which held the dissertation defenses submitted for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). Official opponents - Professor of ANAS IMM Mammad Bayramoglu, Professor of Baku State University Nizamaddin Isgandarov, Professor of Baku Business University Mahir Sabzaliyev, Professor of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction Nigar Aslanova expressed their positive views on the dissertation.

Members of the Scientific Council spoke about the relevance of the research. It was noted that the doctoral dissertation submitted by R. Afandiyev fully corresponded to the specialty 1211.01-Differential equations. Moreover, it meets all the requirements set by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for doctoral dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences  and the applicant deserves the degree of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences.

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