Directions of cooperation between BEU and Electronic Security Service of MDDT considered

18 Nov 2022
Directions of cooperation between BEU and Electronic Security Service of MDDT considered

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted a meeting with officials of the Electronic Security Service (ESS) under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event was organized in order to discuss the selection of final year students of the university for internship programs, employment of graduates, mutual cooperation agreement.

Speaking at the event, Manafaddin Namazov, Vice-Rector for international relations of BEU, head of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies, Huseyn Mirzayev, dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Hazi Gasimov, head of the Internship Department, Amil Babayev, senior lecturer of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies, Gulchohra Ibrahimova, director of the Department on work with enterprises and career, expressed their ideas and suggestions. It was noted that BEU, which was in close contact with educational institutions of foreign countries, participated in international programs and projects as a leader and at the same time as a partner. Against the background of these relations, a number of new information security laboratories are planned to be launched at BEU, which strives to further strengthen close cooperation relations in the field of information technologies (IT) as a priority direction. It was stated that the joint cooperation of the production and educational spheres remains relevant for the training of graduates of higher educational institutions as professional personnel in accordance with the demands of the labor market. In this regard, mentoring support by ETC specialists in IT majors taught at BEU, teaching of elective subjects, organization of training and meetings for students, involvement of students in production internship in relevant institutions of MDDT, as well as organization of tours to those institutions can be mutually beneficial as the main directions of cooperation.

Emphasizing that BEU was one of the best higher education institutions that train specialists, Shahin Aliyev, the director of the Electronic Security Service of MDDT, gave detailed information about the program currently implemented jointly by Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He added that the persons admitted to the program would participate in the trainings of academic staff of Technion - Israel Institute of Technology for 6 months. Moreover, participants will gain knowledge about networks, programming, operating systems, and specialize in various directions in the field of cyber security. Pointing out that they supported the proposal to strengthen cooperation with BEU, Sh. Aliyev said that it is possible for university students to participate in this program in the coming years.

At the end of the meeting, consideration of the proposal for the preparation of a cooperation agreement based on mutual interest and demand between the parties and the continuation of future activities based on this document were emphasized.

Public Relations Department

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