Cooperation agreement regarding "StudentPlus" card signed at BEU

06 Sep 2024
Cooperation agreement regarding "StudentPlus" card signed at BEU

A cooperation agreement has been signed between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Education Development Fund (EDF) within the framework of the "Student Plus" project.

The document was signed by Yagub Piriyev, Rector of BEU, and Elnur Nasibov, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.

It was emphasized at the event that the "Student Plus" project is implemented within the framework of the cooperation of EDF, Kapital Bank and the international payment technology company "Visa" and involves the introduction of single student cards. The unified student card, which has been in use since this academic year, offers students discounts, concessions and business opportunities, in addition to being used as a university entry and exit, debit, and payment card

Rector Yagub Piriyev assessed the implementation of such socially oriented projects in Azerbaijan as a great achievement. He noted that there is always a need for ideas and initiatives of social support for students, and all the steps taken for their realization are commendable. Positively evaluating the steps taken for all university students of the country to benefit from the project, the Rector of BEU expressed his confidence that students will be satisfied with the "Student Plus" card.

Elnur Nasibov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EDF, informed about how the project came about and the negotiations for it. Pointing out that BEU is one of the first higher education institutions where the agreement was signed, as well as emphasizing that the project was implemented in order to ensure that students across the country benefit from the same benefits and discounts, the head of the Foundation noted that initially 150,000 student cards were planned to be put into use. E. Nasibov mentioned that the Foundation, together with its partners, has reached an agreement with more than 200 companies to provide them with special discounts in shopping centers and various catering facilities that students use the most. He said that according to the preliminary agreement with the Ministry of Culture, special concessions for students will be applied in museums, galleries and exhibition halls. E. Nasibov added that the scope of concessions to students will be expanded in the future.

Later, at the event, views were exchanged on the main directions of future cooperation between BEU and EDF.

Public Relations Department 

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