Commemorative event dedicated to 29th anniversary of Khojaly genocide held at BEU

26 Feb 2021
Commemorative event dedicated to 29th anniversary of Khojaly genocide held at BEU

A commemorative event dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

Speaking after a minute of silence in memory of the innocent victims of the Khojaly tragedy, BEU Rector, Professor Havar Mammadov emphasized that the Khojaly genocide, a manifestation of Armenian fascism, was one of the most tragic pages in history.

Giving a talk in detail about the Khojaly tragedy, the most horrible crime against the peaceful Azerbaijani population and humanity in general, the rector said that the relevant procedures for recognition of the  genocide were implemented after the return of National Leader Heydar Aliyev to power at the request of the people. He also stated that according to the Resolution of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 24, 1994, February 26 was declared as the Day of the Khojaly Genocide.

Noting other important measures taken in the past to convey the realities of Khojaly genocide to the world community and international organizations, Havar Mammadov, in particular, highlighted the large-scale steps taken within the "Justice for Khojaly!" campaign organized by Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

The Rector said that so far more than 10 countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have recognized the Khojaly tragedy as genocide.

Havar Mammadov stated that this year people in Azerbaijan commemorate the anniversary of the Khojaly genocide as representatives of the victorious state. He further mentioned that our lands were liberated from Armenian occupation as a result of the glorious victory gained in 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The Rector also stressed that Azerbaijani army winning a victory avenged our martyrs and innocent victims of Khojaly.

Delivering a speech at the event, Member of Parliament Agil Abbas spoke in detail about the atrocities committed by Armenians during the Khojaly tragedy and touched upon historical facts related to the genocide.

Emphasizing that the Khojaly genocide was a demonstration of the Armenian aggression against our people, the MP said that our heroic army, which showed unparalleled courage in the 44-day war, avenged the victims of the Khojaly tragedy under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief.

 Agil Abbas  also stated that our people united around the President like a fist and achieved a historic victory.

Then the chairman of the Student Youth Organization (SYO) at BEU , Laman Sharifova said that the Khojaly tragedy was one of the most horrible and cruel crimes committed not only against our people, but humanity as a whole.

She noted that the Khojaly tragedy was commemorated with different feelings this year.  Ms Sharifova further emphasized that in the 44-day Patriotic war, under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, the glorious Azerbaijani Army broke through the military fortifications built by Armenians for 30 years and liberated the occupied Azerbaijani lands at the expense of their lives .

The event was followed by an exhibition dedicated to the Khojaly tragedy.

Various books, documents, photos and paintings by BEU students reflecting the historical facts of the tragedy were demonstrated at the exhibition.

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