Career training held for BEU students

12 Mar 2025
Career training held for BEU students

Department on work with enterprises and career and the “Career Club” have jointly organized a training for students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

Speaking at the training dedicated to the topic of “Career Planning”, the head of the Department Gulchohra Ibrahimova noted that such trainings are regularly organized at the university with the participation of specialists and are of great importance for students preparing to build a career.

Later, the trainer Flora Azimova, Chief HR Specialist of Deloitte, one of the world’s “Big Four” audit companies, made a comprehensive presentation on career planning. The presentation provided detailed information on the rules for properly preparing a CV, and explained the important points of the interview stage. Moreover, talking about various methods of self-development on Linkedin, a platform for professionals, F. Azimova drew attention to the importance of this network, which is a platform for professional communication and new acquaintances, in terms of sharing successes, sharing experiences, and highlighting achievements.

At the end of the training, questions of interest to students were answered.  

Public Relations Department 

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