BEU students who win artistic creativity competition-festival awarded

25 Jun 2023
BEU students who win artistic creativity competition-festival awarded

The awarding ceremony of the artistic creativity contest-festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, held among students of higher educational institutions, was held. Students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) are among the awardees.

Thus, the dance group of BEU students (artistic director choreographer - Sabina Musayeva) participating in the competition under the organization of the head of the Art department, Doctor of Philosophy in Artology Zamina Akhundova, was awarded the 3rd place in the "National dances" nomination. Javad Guliyev, a third-year student of BEU (artistic director Vugar Mammadov) won the third place in the nomination "Folk songs".

Self-activity creative collectives, associations and studios, solo performers, amateur singers, dancers, artistic reciters, dance collectives consisting of students studying at 25 higher educational institutions participated in the competition-festival held by the joint decision of the Ministry of Science and Education and the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers and so on.

The competition-festival held annually aims to educate in the spirit of national patriotism, respect for our culture, art, and national traditions, raise their artistic and aesthetic level, as well as to reveal talented young people in different art forms of our art and culture, support the development of their abilities.


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