BEU students scoring highest points at Education Faculty awarded

18 Mar 2022
BEU students scoring highest points at Education Faculty awarded

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted an award ceremony of students who scored the highest points at Education Faculty in the fall examination session. 

In his opening speech, BEU Rector, Professor Havar Mammadov spoke about the attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev to science and education, successful reforms in education in recent years and new state programs. Noting that teaching was a sacred profession, the Rector stressed the word "I do not know any other more honorable name than of teacher’s in the world" by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev.

The Rector emphasized that education at BEU Education Faculty was in English. Highlighting the achievements of the Faculty, Havar Mammadov added that it was based on education, knowledge and highly qualified personnel was trained at the specified faculty.

Pointing out the measures taken to strengthen the material and technical base, the Rector stated that favorable conditions were created for students to study. Touching upon that student life was different at BEU, the Rector highlighted the activities of student organizations, including the Student Youth Organization (SYO) and the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) at the University.

At the end of his speech, the Rector congratulated the students on their high results and the upcoming Novruz Holiday and conveyed his best wishes to them.

Dean of Education Faculty, Elshad Abdullayev thanked the University administration for the support in the organization of the event. He noted that students were admitted to BEU Departments of Biology Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Mathematics Education, Mathematics and Informatics Education with high points. The dean added thatin accordance witt the order of the Rector, students scoring the highest points were awarded in 20 groups of the Faculty.

Later, students with the highest points at Education Faculty in the fall examination session were awarded and presented with "Honorary Degrees" and various gifts.

Of note, Arzu Alkhanova, a third-year student majoring in Physics, scored the highest point at  the Faculty of Education (average success rate for the current semester - 100 points and annual average - 99.3 points).


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