BEU students participate in "I International Programming Camp"

22 Aug 2023
BEU students participate in "I International Programming Camp"

The team of Baku Engineering University (BEU) has participated in the training called "I International Programming Camp" sponsored by "TechArena" (Huawei Brand) and "PASHA Bank" OJSC.

The programming camp held at ADA University on August 11-20 was organized in preparation for the semifinals of the 2023-2024 International Student Programming Competition (ICPC) and the ICPC finals to be held in Egypt this November.

14 teams from higher education institutions of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia (each team was represented by 3 students and a team leader), as well as one school team participated in the event. BEU was represented in training with the "BEU" team (team leader Etibar Seyidzade (senior teacher of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies, regional director for ICPC Azerbaijan), Rauf Suleymanli (head of the technical committee for ICPC Azerbaijan), Nariman Sayilov (Computer engineering major, 3rd year student), Javid Abdullayev (Computer engineering major, 3rd year student), Muhammed Layicov (Computer science major, 3rd year student)ю

In addition to BEU, teams from Azerbaijan ADA University, Baku Higher Oil School, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku State University, Azerbaijan Technical University participated in the training.

During the training period, in each of the 6 preparatory competitions, the teams were given the tasks of testing the solutions of 10-12 number of algorithmic problems developed by the experts of the participating countries in different programming languages within 5 hours, and testing them in the automatic code evaluation system. At the end of each day of the competition, local and foreign experts and participants commented on optimal problem solving algorithms.

At the end of the training, the participants were presented with certificates and valuable gifts of "PASHA Bank" OJSC.

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