BEU students attend Digital Idea Competition "Promoting Heydar Aliyev's legacy in innovative solutions"

23 Jun 2023
BEU students attend Digital Idea Competition "Promoting Heydar Aliyev's legacy in innovative solutions"

A group of students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) have participated in the Digital Idea Competition "Promoting Heydar Aliyev's legacy in innovative solutions" jointly organized by the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) Central Office, YAP Youth Union and Baku Higher Oil School.

Among the 120 people selected from among 1372 young people who applied to the competition from 63 administrative territorial units, BEU II year students Ravan Hajiyev (Faculty of Engineering), Javad Mammadli (Faculty of Architecture and Construction), Aytac Isayeva (Faculty of Education), Gulay Hasanzade (Faculty of Engineering), Guljahan Abdullayeva (Faculty of Architecture and Construction), Elvin Hasanov (Faculty of Engineering), Reyhan Muradova (Faculty of Economics and Management), Aykhan Aliyev (Faculty of Engineering) and fourth-year student of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, head of BEU "NEW Club" Adam Babayev took part.

Contestants competed in 30 different teams for 9 hours with special mentors to be the best in team competitions organized by team catalyst, hackathon, intellectual ring, brainstorming, ideas exhibition and project presentation.

"Zafar" team, led by Elvin Hasanov (Faculty of Engineering), one of BEU students who competed in different teams, was the third in the competition. At the end, the winners were awarded.

The competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was aimed at revealing the innovation-oriented potential of the young activists of YAP, improving team building skills and increasing the participation of young people in the innovation ecosystem in our country.

Public Relations Department


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