BEU student with high score: "I want to benefit my country as chemical engineer"

18 Sep 2024
BEU student with high score: "I want to benefit my country as  chemical engineer"

Fidan Pashayeva, who was admitted to the Baku Engineering University (BEU) in the current academic year for the "Chemical Engineering" specialty with a high score (663.2) noted, "Besides choosing a specialty, choosing a university also plays an important role in our lives. Baku Engineering University is one of the pioneering universities that has made its mark in education. I think that by studying in this university at the level I want, I will be able to become a good chemical engineer of the future."

She successfully graduated from secondary school No. 240, Nasimi district, Baku city. During her studies, she always took responsibility for his studies and distinguished with high marks. F.Pashayeva emphasized that she prepared for the exams in order to get admission to the university with a good score, and the support of her family and teachers was a great motivation for her. She added, "I am proud to be admitted to the Baku Engineering University with a high score. I am grateful to my teachers and my parents who are with me in every decision. Moreover, I would like to thank President Ilham Aliyev for the attention and care he has shown to the people who create wonderful conditions in educational institutions and work diligently in this field, especially to education."

Fidan's biggest goal is to graduate from BEU with high marks in 4 years, to work in her specialty. She mentioned, "I was very interested in my chosen specialty "Chemical Engineering" and was doing research. As a result, I learned that the demand for this specialty is increasing in our country, as well as in the world. In the future, I want to work as a specialist in this field and benefit my native country."

It should be noted that this year, the number of high-scoring applicants who preferred BEU almost doubled compared to last year. 265 of those admitted scored above 500, and 52 scored between 600-700.

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