BEU starts new academic year with successful indicators

17 Sep 2024
BEU starts new academic year with successful indicators

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has started the 2024-2025 academic year with successful indicators. Recently, important measures have been taken to strengthen the material and technical base of the university, to strengthen the composition of the academic staff, to introduce innovations in the teaching and scientific field, as well as to move work with enterprises to an active level in order to ensure the employment of graduates. As a continuation of these works, the work in the university laboratories was reorganized, as well as with the support of the bp company, a Cyber ​​Security laboratory was put into use for the first time among higher education institutions at BEU.

The implemented measures had a positive effect on the results of this year's admission to the university. According to the results of both stages, a total of 2,127 people were admitted to the university in 36 majors at the undergraduate level, which means a two-fold increase compared to last year. Moreover, 265 of those admitted to the university scored above 500, and 52 scored between 600-700. The average admission score to the university was 365.

From this year, personnel training in new biotechnology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, transport engineering, food engineering and winemaking specialties has been started at the university. It is important to emphasize that high indicators were also recorded in the results of admission to these 7 specialties.

This year, 50 percent of the applicants who choose BEU will study on the basis of the state order. 90 percent of those admitted will receive full-time education, and 10 percent will receive part-time education.

From the new academic year, the Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies, which includes the specialties of information technology, information security, computer engineering, and computer science, has been operating at BEU. The establishment of the faculty will make an important contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists who have the ability to work with innovative technologies and meet the challenges of the new industrial revolution. Teaching will be conducted in Azerbaijani and English languages, and more than 1,100 students will study in 4 bachelor's degrees and 2 master's degrees from this year.

One of the positive points is that this year more than 15 graduates of BEU were admitted to master's degrees at prestigious higher education institutions of the world (USA, Germany, Great Britain).

In the current year, the strengthening of the international reputation of the university was also taken into account, BEU was accepted as a member of the Turkic Universities Union and gained new opportunities for establishing cooperation with well-known universities of the Turkic world. Also this year, BEU achieved a successful result in the "QS Europe 2025" rating table. Compared to last year, it has advanced 60 places to the 491st position in Europe's most prestigious ranking, and is ranked 34th among West Asian universities.

Public Relations Department

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