BEU scientist delivers report at scientific seminar

09 Feb 2023
BEU scientist delivers report at scientific seminar

Head of the Mathematics Department of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, professor Rakib Afandiyev has delivered a speech at the scientific seminar organized by the Southern Institute of Mathematics of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The seminar attended by Russian experts was devoted to the topic "Equations on graphs and layered sets". The scientific event took place under the leadership of professor of the Department of Algebra and Analysis of the North Ossetian State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ruslan Kulayev, staff of Voronezh State University, professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling Oleg Penkin,Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor Vladimir Pryadiyev.


BEU scientist Rakib Afandiyev's report entitled "Spectral analysis of non-self-adjoint periodic potential ordinary differential operators in graphs" was met with interest by the seminar participants. The speaker answered the questions of the participants about the topic in detail.

Spectral analysis of wave propagation in a layered, inhomogeneous medium, as well as wave propagation in a one-dimensional non-conservative medium in star graphs were discussed in detail at the seminar.


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