BEU represented in trainings held in Poland as part of ECAR project

08 Feb 2023
BEU represented in trainings held in Poland as part of ECAR project

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Establishment of Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan” (ECAR), vice-rectors and other authorized representatives of 20 higher education institutions of Azerbaijan, which are members of the project consortium, were in another business trip to Poland. Baku Engineering University (BEU) was represented by Mikayil Zeynalov, Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs.

The visit, organized by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) under a project funded by the European Commission, was organized in order to study the issues of strategic development of Polish higher education institution.

First, during the trainings held at Kozminski University, the general development, sustainable development and digital transformation strategies of the said educational institution, as well as the experiences of local and European projects related to the improvement of employees were studied.

In the following days, Michał Zasada, Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and Vice-President of CRASP, provided the event participants with detailed information about the main criteria of human resources management and financial management in strategic planning, including the activities of CRASP. Moreover, Secretary General of CRASP Agata Kulesza exchanged detailed views on national and international experiences of CRASP with the participants of the visit.

The employees of Warsaw University of Life Sciences conducted training-seminars on important topics such as the interrelationship of strategic development and quality issues, monitoring and evaluation processes in Polish higher education institutions, and accreditation criteria for strategic management.

As part of the training program, Shahla Kazimova, an employee of the University of Warsaw, delivered a detailed presentation about the teaching of the Azerbaijani language and culture at the educational institution, scientific conferences, and other events.

During the visit, representatives of Azerbaijani higher education institutions met with the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Poland Nargiz Gurbanova. At the meeting, the ambassador gave information about socio-cultural events and projects implemented in Poland, especially in higher schools. N. Gurbanova invited our universities to further strengthen cooperation with Polish higher education institutions, emphasizing that appropriate support could be provided in this direction.

At the end of the training program, Discussions on a meeting of activities carried out in the project and important tasks ahead, as well as on the future action plan of the committee were held with Araz Aslanli, the chairman of the Strategic Development Committee, which was created as a pilot within the ECAR project, under the moderation of the central director of Baku Business University, project coordinator Gulshan Bayramov. 


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