BEU representatives visit Poland as part of "CRENG" Erasmus+ KA2 project

15 Jul 2022
BEU representatives visit Poland as part of "CRENG" Erasmus+ KA2 project

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project on "Crisis and Risk Engineering for Transport Services (CRENG)", in which Baku Engineering University (BMU) participates as a partner, a group of employees of the higher educational institution has visited Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in Poland. The dean of the Faculty of Engineering of BEU, associate professor Huseyn Mirzayev, the head of the Department of Logistics and Transport Technology Engineering, associate professor Bakhtiyar Namazov, the associate professor of the department Nijat Karimov, the coordinator of the project at BEU and the chief specialist of Technopark Arif Najimov, the financial manager of the project, as well as the chief accountant of BEU Samir Musayev participated in the visit.

During the visit, the directions of future cooperation between the two higher education institutions were reviewed at the first meeting with the dean, deputies and employees of the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology.

At the final conference of the "CRENG" project, which was organized in a hybrid format, BEU employees participated in an offline format, while other partner universities in an online format. At the conference, information was provided on the work done at BEU within the framework of the project and the possibilities of future cooperation.

On the last working day of the visit, BEU employees got acquainted with the administration, laboratories, programs and projects of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of WUT. In this meeting, where opportunities for future cooperation, joint programs and projects were discussed, necessary information was given about BEU, Technopark and laboratories of the University, as well as the project "Skills for the Future: Together for the Future" of the Innovation Center of State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In the meeting with the administration of Centre for International Cooperation of WUT, it was stated that there were opportunities for signing the Memorandum of Understanding and the Erasmus+ KA1 student and teacher exchange protocol between the two universities, and the parties were interested in preparing a dual master's program in English. During the meeting, the International Dual Degree Program implemented between BEU and Inha University within the framework of the "State Program for Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023," as well as the possibilities of preparing a similar program with WUT were mentioned. 

Of note, the "CRENG" Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to develop a master's program called " Crisis and Risk Engineering for Transport Services.” During the implementation of the project, BEU participated in the development of the abovementioned master's program together with partner universities of the European Union (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, and Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, France) and  ECM Sky Technologies" LLC, Germany. Furthermore, the experience of these countries in the field of higher education was studied during visits to European universities, all teaching materials required for the master's program were prepared, a laboratory with modern equipment was built, and the preparation of the next programs and projects was started within the framework of new cooperation.


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