BEU organizes master class on "What is innovation? Who is the product owner?"

05 Dec 2022
BEU organizes master class on "What is innovation? Who is the product owner?"

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted a master class for students on "What is innovation? Who is the product owner?". 

Tahir Bayramli, Yashar Jafarli and Yusif Samadov, employees of the Business Innovations Department of PASHA Bank took the floor in front of the students at the event.

Thus, T.Bayramli clarified the issues such as the concept of innovation, types of innovation, the relationship between the concepts of invention and innovation, the process of innovation, and etc.

Speaking on the topic "Who creates innovation and what is product ownership", Y. Jafarli gave extensive information about the place of the product owner and his responsibilities in the triad of business, design, and technology.

In the next presentation entitled "My first work as a product owner", Y. Samadov shared his path as a product owner and his personal experience in this field with the students.

At the end of the event, organized by BEU Department on work with enterprises and career, the speakers answered the students' questions about the topic

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