BEU organizes art exhibition of students on World Art Day

15 Apr 2022
BEU organizes art exhibition of students on World Art Day

Art exhibitions of first-year students majoring Architecture and Design at Baku Engineering University (BEU) have been held. The exhibition was organized on the occasion of April 15 - World Art Day.

Professor Sabir Orujov, Head of the Department of Architecture and Design, provided detailed information about the essence and importance of Architecture and Design in modern times. Finding the students' exclusive exhibition organizing skills gratifuing, S.Orujov noted that the primary objectives of the exhibition were to change students' line of  vision to life, objects and forms differently, as well as to demonstrate their works to the public.

At the exhibition, students majoring in Design demonstrated gouache paintings on paper with interesting shapes under the heading "Style & Z." The exhibition featured models and creative compositions related to the style adjustments prepared by students in a month on the subject "Fundamentals of Design 2" under the guidance of PhD. in Art History Arzu Mammadova, Senior Lecturer of the Architecture and Design Department.

Students majoring in Architecture presented various models prepared by them on the subject of "Modeling" under the guidance of Professor S. Orujov and teacher Zarifa Alikhanova.


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