BEU-INHA DDP students succeed in second Korean speaking contest

21 Dec 2022
BEU-INHA DDP students succeed in second Korean speaking contest

Students of the Dual Degree Program (DDP) jointly implemented by Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University have succeeded in the 2nd Korean speaking competition.

In the competition organized and supported by Xırdalan King Sejong Institute operating at BEU, students performed at beginner and intermediate levels.

Vatangul Abdiyeva took first place, while Nigar Novruzova second place, and Nuray Jumayeva third place at the beginner level in the competition, taking place with the active participation of first and second year students. Saida Huseynli and Aydin Yusifov won second and third places, accordingly at the intermediate level. 

The winner students of BEU-INHA DDP whose names were mentioned above were presented with appropriate certificates by the jury.

Of note, Korean language has been taught to BEU-INHA DDP students from the first semester.

      Public Relations Department

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