BEU hosts seminar on "May 28-Independence Day"

20 May 2024
BEU hosts seminar on "May 28-Independence Day"

A seminar on "May 28 - Independence Day" has been organized at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

In the seminar, the head of the Department of Social Sciences Humeyra Mustafayeva spoke about the goal-oriented activities carried out in the direction of state building in our modern country, which is the successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). The head of the department shared with the participants of the seminar about the undeniable services of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in the direction of ensuring, preserving and strengthening the perpetuity of independence, as well as the statehood traditions continued by the worthy successor of the National Leader President Ilham Aliyev.

Giving a report on the subject, the associate professor of the department Khagan Balayev reminded that our independence was declared to the world with the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the National Council of the ADR on May 28, 1918, and brought into consideration the main provisions of the Declaration. In his speech, the speaker mentioned the three main periods of APC, which managed to carry out reforms covering most fields, despite living only 23 months - Tbilisi period (May 28-June 16), Ganja period (June 16-September 17) and Baku period (September 17-April 28) and provided extensive information about the measures implemented in the field of national state building during these periods.

The seminar ended with answering questions related to the topic.

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