BEU hosts meeting on accreditation

11 Apr 2023
BEU hosts meeting on accreditation

The state of preparation for the process of institutional accreditation of Baku Engineering University (BEU) has been discussed.

In the first meeting organized for this purpose, the Rector of BEU, Professor Havar Mammadov emphasized that the Accreditation Commission to be established by the Education Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA) was expected to carry out institutional accreditation of the higher education institution in September of this year. Drawing attention to the necessity and importance of the accreditation process, which was carried out to verify the compliance of the educational institution's activity with the state educational standards and the requirements of other normative legal acts and created a legal guarantee for the next period of activity, the Rector noted that the procedure, which served to improve the quality of education in general, brought many other advantages. Havar Mammadov added that accreditation was distinguished by such positive aspects as ensuring the compliance of educational standards with the European education system, increasing international reputation, internationalization, integration, admission of foreign students, recognition of diplomas in foreign countries, and etc.

Emphasizing that the process imposed obligations on higher education institutions to fulfill a number of requirements, the Rector also touched upon the problems that might arise if these requirements were not properly implemented.

Later, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of BEU, professor Hamzagha Orujov explained the required stages of the procedure and shared the necessary information about the steps to be taken in the direction of the effective activity of the Accreditation Commission within BEU.

Sevil Imanova, Head of the BEU Quality Assurance Department, brought into consideration the work carried out by the higher educational institution in connection with the preparation for the accreditation process, as well as the issues discussed in the relevant trainings organized jointly with EQAA. Providing information on the criteria for such directions as strategic development, quality assurance, training and education, scientific research, management system, infrastructure, internationalization, the Head of the Department also emphasized the measures to be taken on the obligation to prepare the Self-Assessment Report of the educational institution in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Regulations of Accreditation of Educational Institutions.

At the end of the meeting, the Rector Havar Mammadov gave the relevant tasks to the heads of the structural units to accelerate the implementation of the demands and obligations of the university in accordance with the accreditation process.

Public Relations Department

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