BEU hosts “Graduation day”

07 Jul 2021
BEU hosts “Graduation day”

           “Graduation day” has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU). The event organized in accordance with the rules of the Pandemic was attended by a total of 100 graduates with the highest grade point averages (GDP), academic staff, and government officials.

         The event started with sounding the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan and observing a minute of silence in dear memory of martyrs of the Patriotic War who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

In his opening remark rector of BEU, professor Havar Mammadov spoke in detail about the Glorious Victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev and noted that this year’s “Graduation Day” coincides with a remarkable day. Rector expressed his confidence in BEU graduates’ active participation in construction work to be carried out in the lands liberated from occupation.  

Havar Mammadov spoke about the history of the development of the university, and by informing the participants about the strong material-technical base,  as well as,  the electronic system of the university he added that new specialties, most of which are engineering were opened.

Rector emphasized that despite pandemic-caused difficulties, education was organized on an online basis, and regardless of the circumstances BEU had every opportunity for quality personnel training.  

Touching upon the international relations of the university, the rector familiarized the event attendees with a dual degree program of BEU and INHA University of South Korea in 4 specialties at the undergraduate level starting from the last academic year.

State-funded dual degree program opened up great opportunities to equip Azerbaijan with young engineer personnel. 

Havar Mammadov mentioned that 927 undergraduate-level students in 29 specialties and  146  graduate-level students in 17 specializations completed their degrees in the 2020-2021 academic year.

 In his concluding remark, Havar Mammadov extended his congratulations to all graduates and their parents, as well as faculty on that significant and joyous day, and conveyed his warmest wishes.

Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of BEU Idris Isayev congratulated the graduates on behalf of the leadership and staff of the Ministry of Education and wished them success in their careers ahead.

Deputy Minister mentioned that BEU graduates possessed higher potential to become competitive employees in the labor market, furthermore, he expressed his confidence in their contribution to the development of society, and the state thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired at the university. 

Idris Isayev stressed that building higher human capital to ensure sustainable development was a task of paramount importance. Bringing back the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 2, 2021, on approval of “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development” Deputy Minister noted that the development of competitive human capital was one of the 5 priority directions. 

Bringing to attention vital reform measures taken as a result of special attention and care paid to education by President Aliyev and First-Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, Idris Isayev pointed out that serious steps were taken in the direction of accessibility in education so that the number of state-funded places increased by nearly 66 % over the last two years. Additionally, stressing the state support for tuition fees of students and expense coverage of fee-paying students of families belonging to socially vulnerable groups by the government,  Deputy Minister stated that under respective instructions of President Aliyev, last year 20.800 students’ tuition fees were paid by the government. Emphasizing that the establishment of the “Education Student Loan Fund” with respect to Mr. Presiden’s corresponding decree was the result of high attention to education and students, Idris Isayev noted that the primary objective was to ensure accessibility of low-income people to education, to provide equality of educational opportunities, and widen the scope of education.  By noting the serious steps taken recently in the direction of improving the quality of education he spoke in detail about the “State program on increasing the international competitiveness of the higher education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023". In conclusion, the Deputy Minister extended his congratulations to the graduates and expressed his confidence in their active participation in the future of our country.

         In his speech MP, Chairman of the Committee, on Natural Resources Energy and Ecology, Sadig Gurbanov said that the future of our country lay in the hands of youth. Noting how happier today’s youths were, MP touched upon reforms implemented under the leadership of President Aliyev and the favorable environment created for education.    

Sadig Gurbanov congratulated the First Patriotic War graduates and expressed his confidence in their participation in construction work to be conducted in native Karabakh. Talking about the role of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) in the development of our country and mentioning stabilized as well as tranquil educational environment of today’s youths he stressed National Leader Haydar Aliyev’s invaluable contribution to the emergence of this environment.

The Committee chairman noted that higher accomplishments could be achieved only in case of harmony between literacy and patriotism, so we witnessed it in the course of the 44-day Patriotic War. The chairman of the Absheron District Organisation of New Azerbaijan Party (NAP)  Bilman Valiyev touched upon the accomplishments of BEU graduate students. He brought to the attendees’ attention the impressive training facilities, and laboratories available at the university. B.Valiyev extended his congratulations to the graduates and wished them success in their future life.

The event was addressed by a veteran of the First Karabakh War, colonel Yolchu Yolchuyev who had an exceptional role in training professional servicemen to ensure the spectacular victory of the people, in the Second Karabakh War. He expressed his immense pleasure to address the audience at the event organized at BEU. Colonel emphasized the BEU students’ distinguishing performances and presentations at scientific-practical Conferences held with The Union of Students and Youth Organization. He commented on the abundant scientific potential of BEU faculty.

Following the remarks, the graduates of the 2020/2021 academic year were awarded. The names of top-ranking students by departments both at undergraduate and graduate levels were recorded and they were granted a variety of prizes and honorary degree awards.

Then, the chair of the Student Scientific Society, top student of the Mathematics and Informatics Education of the Department of Pedagogy Vusala Shahbazova,  and valedictorian of the university,  a student of Accounting and Auditing (English section) of the Department of  Economics and Management Nazrin Mammadova delivered speeches.

At the event, a third-year student of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory Narmin Adigozalova sang the folk songs named “Khudayar Tasnifi”,  and “Shushanın Dagları” (“Mountains of Shusha”), and  Nigar Asadova, a graduate of BEU majoring in  Architecture performed the dance “Sarı gelin” (“Bride in yellow”).

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