BEU hosts event dedicated to September 27- Memorial Day

27 Sep 2021
BEU hosts event dedicated to September 27- Memorial Day

An event dedicated to September 27- Memorial Day has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

First, a minute of silence was observed in memory of our soldiers and officers fallen heroically in the Great Patriotic War for the territorial integrity of our country, as well as, the ones who died as a result of shelling of cities and villages by Armenia armed forces to cities and villages.

Rector of BEU, professor Havar Mammadov, spoke about the decree of the President on the establishment of Memorial Day, dated December 2, 2020. Emphasizing the step as a sign of high esteem for the martyr’s souls and families, the rector noted that the Azerbaijani people and state always valued highly the bravery of victorious sons and daughters, revered the souls of martyrs, and honored their memories.

Havar Mammadov recalled that the Patriotic War was launched in response to a large-scale provocation against our country by Armenia Armed Forces on September 27, under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic to liberate occupied lands. 

By bringing forward Azerbaijani people’s unity around President Ilham Aliyev like an iron fist by showing unprecedented unity, solidarity and heroism, inflicting crushing blows on the enemy over the course of war, rector stressed that national solidarity, professional leadership, effective military strategy as well as the strength of our army forced the enemy to sign the Act of Capitulation. 

In his remark, the rector touched upon the war crimes committed by the enemy who couldn’t stand the Azerbaijani Army in the Victory March and targetted innocent people in order to shake the confidence of people, as a consequence, nearly 100 civilians, including children and women, were killed, over 400 civilians were wounded, and more than 5 thousand houses were destroyed and damaged. By adding that Azerbaijani cities were fired with ballistic missiles, phosphorus, and cluster bombs the rector pointed out that the war crimes committed by the enemy could not break the determination and will of our people. Our ancient lands were liberated from occupation at the cost of our heroic martyrs’ blood and lives, Victorious Azerbaijani Army wrote a glorious history.

Rector spoke about large-scale construction work aimed at restoring and reviving the liberated territories. By concluding his speech the rector stated that today iron fist was standing against the revanchist sentiments of Armenia, and as Mr. President emphasized from now on we would live as a victorious country, a victorious nation, we would live with pride. We would build our own future, restore our liberated lands. We would cherish the memory of our martyrs in our hearts forever!

Delivering a speech at the event, the head of the Department of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Bilal Dadayev spoke in detail about the beginning, the course, and the consequences of the war. He noted that Azerbaijan once more demonstrated its strengths and might to the whole world with its achievements on the front line, crushing blows inflicted on the Armenian Armed Forces, and liberated territories. 

Leman Sharifova, the chair of the Student Youth Organization (SYO) of BEU emphasized that Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity on its own, and as a powerful country demonstrated its great potential to the entire world. She stressed that all citizens as a whole - soldiers and officers fighting valiantly in the battle for sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country,  civilians serving in the rear, the youths participating actively in the information exchange - dealt crushing blows on the enemy by demonstrating determination, will, as well as, national solidarity.  

Another speaker, Dean of Engineering Faculty of BEU, Associate Professor, Hussain Mirzayev noted that  September 27 - Memorial Day is the Birth Day of our National Pride. He spoke about the valor demonstrated on the battlefield by our servicemen and the significance of the victory.

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