BEU hosts conference dedicated to sustainable development in economics and administration

22 Dec 2023
BEU hosts conference dedicated to sustainable development in economics and administration

The III international scientific-practical conference "Sustainable development in economy and administration: Problems and prospects" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, and jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Baku Engineering University (BEU) has started its work.

Firts, the National Anthem was played, and the dear memory of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who lost their lives in the path of the territorial integrity of our lands was commemorated with a minute's silence.

Delivering the opening speech, BEU Vice-rector for science and innovation Agasi Malikov welcomed the guests on behalf of the university administration. Pointing out that the conference, which coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader, was held at a time when the sovereignty of the Azerbaijan state was fully restored, the Vice-rector emphasized that this historical fact increases the importance of the topic of the event and the issues to be discussed. In his speech, the Vice-rector recalled the processes that took place in the first years of Azerbaijan's independence and said that after the return of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the power of the country at the insistence of the people, a fundamental turnaround has occurred in all areas, and the country has embarked on the path of sustainable development.

Stating that a successful economic policy based on a solid economic foundation has been implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the Vice-rector emphasized that the focus of this policy is on strategic decisions that ensure the country's competitive advantage not only in the domestic market, but also in the international arena.

Agasi Malikov noted the importance of the realization of the first stage of the concept of the Great Return and the start of the period of construction and development in the liberated lands. He said that the main issue facing scientists in this period is to conduct scientific researches in accordance with new challenges, organize discussions and provide scientific support to the development of the country with their knowledge and skills. Noting that today's event serves this purpose, the Vice-rector pointed out that about 130 articles were sent to the conference from the USA, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, South Korea, Turkey and Azerbaijan. 93 of them were accepted by the scientific staff and included in the program of the conference. Saying that the employees of 18 different higher education institutions of Azerbaijan will present reports at the conference, the Vice-rector assessed this as an indicator of great interest in the conference and wished success to the work of the event.

Later, delivering a speech, the head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Social Policy of the Ministry of Economy Huseyn Huseynov said that the conference was dedicated to the current topic and talked about various risks that concern humanity today. The head of the department drew attention to the successful measures taken to neutralize and regulate the negative effects of global risks on the economy of Azerbaijan, and maintain a positive economic growth rate based on nine-month results. Stating that one of the important conditions for positive economic growth and protection of economic activity is the formation of the country's vision in the medium and long term, the official of the ministry spoke in detail about the five national priorities covering the period until 2030 and their main directions. In this regard, he emphasized that quite serious goals have been set for the transformation of Azerbaijan into a green energy space, and Karabakh was declared an energy zone according to the relevant Order of the President of the country, and touched on the main goals.

In his speech, taking into account the tasks ahead for ensuring sustainable development, Huseyn Huseynov expressed the importance of forming a unified view of economic, social and environmental issues and moving them forward in sync with each other. He expressed his hopes that the issues related to this will be widely discussed at the conference, that the economic, social, and ecological aspects of sustainable development will be taken into account, and at the same time, proposals will be made by the scientific community on the current issues related to the impact of carbon tax and carbon units on the country's economy.

Later, at the plenary session, the reports of BEU Elchin Suleymanov "Effect of building a world-class university in Azerbaijan on competitiveness in higher education", Olga Matiushyna, researcher of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, "Legal regulation of cooperation of states to combat climate change", Khatai Aliyev, UNEC's Department of International Economics and Business Director, "Institutional review of university-state-industry relations in Azerbaijan: What to do and how?" were listened to.

Afterwards, certificates were presented to those who spoke at the plenary session.

After the break, the conference continued its work in separate sections.

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