BEU hosts acquaintance meetings with first-year students

12 Sep 2024
BEU hosts acquaintance meetings with first-year students

On the occasion of the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year, introductory meetings are held with first-year students admitted to the bachelor's degree of Baku Engineering University (BEU).

First, in group meetings organized in the economics and administrative sciences, engineering faculties, the deputy deans and heads of the department congratulated the young people on winning the title of student and wished them success in their newly started educational life at BEU.

Later, extensive presentations were made about the university's campus, modern laboratories, academic staff, detailed information was given about the comprehensive conditions created for teaching.

The speakers emphasized that transparency, objectivity and fairness are taken as the main criteria in the evaluation of students' knowledge in the exams held at the end of each semester. Moreover, they said that the combination of theory and practice at BEU will have a positive effect on their development as educated specialists.          

At the meetings, attention was paid to the activities of student organizations and clubs at BEU, interesting conferences were held under their organization, and it was noted that such events play a significant role in the activity of students, in the formation of their worldviews, knowledge of various fields, as well as in their socialization.

During the speeches, necessary, guiding information and procedures related to student rights, university disciplinary rules were brought to the students' attention, and the issues that interested them were clarified.

In the end, students were advised to take their studies seriously, study continuously and always be active in the social life of the university.

Similar meetings will be held at BEU on September 13 for first-year students of other faculties. 

Public Relations Department 

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