BEU holds information event for students about “Product Owner Marathon”

13 Oct 2022
BEU holds information event for students about “Product Owner Marathon”

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted an information event for students about “Producer Marathon”. 

At the event, the project manager of "SUP.VC" company Jamil Huseynzade provided information about the competition to be held with partnership of "PASHA Bank" and the organization of the company he represented. It was noted the the product development process and mastering the role of product owner would be explained at the "Product Owner Marathon". Furthermore, the knowledge and skills needed to own an innovative product will be taught at the marathon. The marathon, which will last for 4 weeks, will consist of two stages. The first stage includes application sessions, while the second stage mentoring services..

J.Huseynzada added that in the competition, where 14 teams from 7 universities would participate, participants must work on a startup idea and present an “MVP” (minimum viable product). III and IV year students can participate in the marathon. Participants should apply in teams of at least 3 people, consisting of a product manager, a designer and a programmer. 

The deadline for registration is October 23. 3000 AZN will be awarded to the team that won the first place in the marathon, the final stage of which is scheduled for November 28.


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