BEU faculty members meet with students in Sumgayit

07 Jun 2024
BEU faculty members meet with students in Sumgayit

As a continuation of educational events held by Baku Engineering University (BУU) for applicants and senior students, the next meeting has been organized in Sumgait city.

Welcoming the guests, Narmina Hajiyeva, the deputy director for educational affairs of secondary school No. 23, expressed her satisfaction that such a meeting took place in the school she represents as a venue, and at the same time introduced the professors and teachers of BEU to the participants of the event.

After the promotional video about BEU was shown, Hamzaga Orujov, vice-rector for academic affairs of the university, gave a speech. He gave information about the university's material and technical base, laboratories, especially the Cyber ​​Security laboratory, which was put into use recently, updated auditoriums, as well as academic environment, international relations, dual diploma program. He noted that BEU has a teaching system that prefers the English language, student exchange with foreign universities is carried out.

Emphasizing the new specialties taught at the university and opened this year, the vice-rector drew the attention of the applicants to the importance of choosing the right specialty and the university that provides the best education in that specialty. Mentioning that there are ample opportunities to become a specialist who meets the requirements of the labor market at BEU, Hamzaga Orujov noted that there is comprehensive support for talented students at the higher educational institution and various projects are being implemented in this direction. Noting that the university has a rich student life with sports, social and cultural activities, the vice-rector said that there are student organizations and clubs that stimulate the development of students and serve to organize their free time effectively.  Talking about providing students with a dormitory (boys and girls), Hamzaga Orujov wished the applicants success in their future student life.

In the interactive meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Huseyn Mirzayev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Nasimi Kamalov, Head of the Department of Automation, Telecommunications and Energy Ramiz Khumbatov, Professor of the Department Islam Islamov, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Asif Guliyev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Biology Elshad Yunusov, chief specialist of the Department on work with enterprises and career Adil Valiyev, and Ulviyya Gasimova, senior lecturer of Computer and Information Technologies department, spoke.

In the speeches, it was emphasized that the "Biotechnology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Mathematics", "Transport engineering", "Food engineering" and "Winemaking" specialties have been opened at the university, and admission to the bachelor's level will be held in a total of 36 specialties. Information was also given about the university's campus, technology park, start-up projects, scientific research works, and questions of interest to the students were clarified.

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