BEU employee delivered a report at a scientific conference in Türkiye

09 Sep 2024
BEU employee delivered a report at a scientific conference in Türkiye

Chinara Hajiyeva, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics of Baku Engineering University (BEU), doctor of philosophy in mathematics, participated in the scientific conference organized in Türkiye Istanbul University - Cerrahpaşa.

At the 9th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications - COIA 2024, a BEU employee delivered a report entitled "A numerical method for the approximation of the Hilbert hypersingular integral and its justification with a numerical example". The report was received with interest by the event participants.

Papers published in the conference proceedings will be indexed in the "Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index" database, which is a prestigious international indexing system.

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