BEU employee awarded scientific title of associate professor

10 May 2022
BEU employee awarded scientific title of associate professor

Ziyafat Huseynova, an employee of the English Language Department of the Education Faculty at Baku Engineering University (BEU), has been awarded the scienific title of associate professor by the decision of the High Attestation Commission.

The certificate was presented to BEU lecturer in 5718.01-World Literature (English Literature) specialty.

The topic of Z.Huseynova's dissertation was "Typological comparison of myths, legends and fables in English and Azerbaijani mythology." The dissertation is considered to be the first extensive research work in this direction.

Numerous articles of Z.Huseynova were published in foreign and local journals covering the topics in Philology and Doctor of Sciences. The BEU scientist, who presented theses on topical issues in the field of research at international conferences, was the author of the textbook "Mythical world of Azerbaijan and British people."



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